
人人都是学习者 ——“博喻+” 共学社群


Inspiration  is from The Book of Rites · The Book of Learning. A good teacher knows the order of difficulty, and understands all the differences of individual characteristics. Then he can teach according to students' aptitude.  SK hynix Foreign Language Primary School regards  Inspiration  as the core educational philosophy and hopes to pass on this educational philosophy to more people.

学习不仅仅是学生的事,也不仅仅只发生在学校内。SK海力士外国语小学发起“博喻+”(ILC) 共学社群的初衷, 正是希望以此突破学校在物理空间上的限制,让学校、家庭和社区进行联动,共享智力资源。老师、家长和社区成员彼此分享知识、持续学习与成长,形成学习型社区,为学生创造更加友好的教育环境。

 Learning isn't only for students, and it doesn't just happen in school. The original intention of SK hynix Foreign Language Primary School to launch the  ILC  (Inspire Co-learning Community) is to break the physical space limitation of the school, so that the school, family and community can interact and share intellectual resources. Thus, teachers, parents and community members sharing knowledge, continuing to learn and grow. We work together to form a learning community and create a more friendly educational environment for students.


On the  ILC  platform, everyone is a learner, everyone is also a contributor. For parents and community members, ILC will organize some workshops and lectures on the most concerned educational topics, such as parent-child reading, good habit formation, positive discipline, school adaptation, etc., to provide parents with professional guidance on family education. For teachers and students,  ILC  will invite parents and community members to school to show their talents and expertise, which will be connected with the school activities and curriculum.


ILC  has been hold two workshops for SK hynix parents themed  Our School . Principal Chen Gang of SK hynix Foreign Language Primary School was invited to introduce the school educational philosophy, teaching environment, curriculum and teachers to SK hynix parents, and asked for their expectations and suggestions, which received their warm responses.

In the future,  ILC plan to hold more activities, and build  Our School  together with you all.